CIRCLE � HYDERABAD � 500004. (All
communication to Circle Secretary to Qr.No.C-12, P&T Quarters, Khairatabad,
HYD-4) S.Surya Rao, Circle
Secretary, TESA(I),
A.P.Circle, Hyderabad
� 500004. CIRCULAR:12 Dt.28-02-2002 Dear Comrade, We
had our Emergency Circle Executive Committee meet on 23-02-2002 at Hyderabad in
Hotel Siddhartha. The meeting was convened to enable all the CEC members to
interact with the GS, Com.S.Basu, on the issue of absorption.
Sri.V.Suryasreeramulu, our CGMT A.P.Circle inaugurated the CEC with his
address. He stressed the need for immediate absorption, which develops
belongingness towards the BSNL, which is the need of the hour. The stay order on the
absorption process in Hyderabad CAT on 28-1-2002, generated some WELWISHERS
from us, who have utilized this stay order
to infuse lot of confusion in the minds of the membership. The
WELWISHERS joined the hands with the deserter and started pouring lot of
irrelevant and meaningless and untruth questions into the minds of our members,
which created lot of agitation in the minds of the members. The GS in his meetings both at Hyderabad and Vijayawada clarified all the doubts of the
members. The Circle Executive observed that these questions, from these
WELWISHERS, appear to have been set with the little knowledge they have, due to
their insufficient association with TESA(I). These WELWISHERS would have got cleared
their minds through the senior comrades who knows well about TESA(I), before
they resorted to this kind of infusion of confusion among the membership. However
it is our duty to clarify when the membership wants to know. Hence it is
suggested to send these questioners to the Circle Head Quarters as and when
they are come across, so that necessary information will be fed in the next
circular. Now the CAT HD restricted
the STAY only to the applicant, and the only
stay at Ahmedabad, which was also given on the basis of Hyderabad CAT,
is to be got vacated. Even the outcome of the Court Case in Delhi High Court
would come out by the end of Ist wek of next Month. We hope that we shall have
clear picture about these court cases by the end of the first week of March
2002 and probably we may have reissue of the order for absorption, after
clearance from the CATs . Definitely we
would get better perks, better pay scales, better medical facilities, better
terminal benefits, and over and above, we shall have time bound promotions,
after absorption in the BSNL. ITS officers, who are only having time bound
promotions at present, will be equated to us in the promotional policy along
with all the other executives coming from Finance, Civil, Electical wings etc..
Thus they will be loosing the special treatment which they are getting now.
These officers are presently confining to chambers and management, and probably
they have to change their work culture to suit to corporate working, which they
are not able to digest. The time bound
promotions, which are available in BSNL, will be useful for all in general and
the youngsters in particular. It is too pessimistic to think that BSNL is going
to be privatized right now. Even if the disinvestment starts now, it takes at least 10 to 15 long years to reach the point of privatization. These WELWISHERS also propagating that early
absorption leads to early dis-investment. It is not true to say this, since
these two things are two different issues and they are not interrelated. MTNL
is a good example to this, since it was disinvested from 100% in 1986, when the corporation came into
existence, to 52% today. Similarly there is lot of difference between
disinvestment and privatization. Privatization comes into existence only when
the Government' share comes to below 50%. From the information through our
experiences, and by taking the gigantic
size of the PSU into consideration, it is not possible for the Government to privatize
the BSNL for at least next 10 to 15 years.
With in next 10 to 15 years many things can happen depending upon the
world trends and political scenario in the country. The WELWISHERS are also
misleading our membership stating that TESA leadership is inviting early
disinvestment through early absorption, which is beyond truth as disinvestment
is a policy of the Government and we shall have a little say in it. The WELWISHERS do not aware
the fact that the options for Group-C
&D were called by BSNL only. The options forms are addressed to Chairman Telecom Commission only, who has to
approve our absorption. The question of legal sanctity for calling for options
by BSNL does not arise, as calling for options for Group-C&D by BSNL has
been completed with presidential notification. Similarly there is no difference
in the provisions laid down in clause 2(1) of the MTNL Terms and Conditions and
clause 7(b) of BSNL terms and
conditions. Calling for options by BSNL
with provisional terms and conditions does not amount to violation of
provisions in Rule 37 A sub-rule (1), & (3). These WELWISHERS are
misleading that calling for options by BSNL, that too without spelling out the
pay scale etc, is against constitutional provision. Delhi PB never directed either DoT or BSNL, to call for options
from the Group-B officers only after spelling out the pay scales, pay fixation
formula, and promotion policy. These are the only three issues which we have to
settle with BSNL Board, immediately after our absorption. The BSNL management,
which promised us that it will take up these issues for officers, after
completion of exercise for Group-C&D. Otherwise anomaly may arise between
the pay scales of Executives and Non �
Executives. It also clarified that it will finalise these issues only after consulting
the Associations of Executives. Since the IDA pay scales, fitment formula, and
promotion policy, are stage dependent, ie; E1, E2,-----etc, and not cadre dependent as in the case of CDA pay
scales . This particular phenomenon will enable all the executives to come
together to get these issues settled in their favour, as the interests of all
these executives are common, though they come from different wings of
BSNL. The WELWISHERS are not aware
that the application of VRS scheme, which is to be introduced for surplus
Central Government staff, may take long time for implementation. Mean while
these officers who are likely to opt for this VRS may not avail it as they may
reach super-annuation even before VRS is applied to them. That is why we are
suggesting to opt for BSNL, so that they are sure of getting the benefits of
the Corporation, not only in their pay packet but also in their terminal
benefits. The
WELWISHERS also say that that the CHQ has not consulted CWC while accepting for
Rs2000/- as adhoc relief, as it had taken the approval of CWC for demanding
Rs3000/- as adhoc relief. Since these people are not aware that there is no
such demand & decision in the CWC, about the adhoc relief, they are
misleading the membership. But the fact is that we had the demand of Rs3000/-
as adhoc relief, is a general one, in nature. But all of us have debated on
this issue and only after taking the consent of all the CSs, the CHQ conveyed
our approval to the Central Coordination Committee, that we are agreeable for
Rs2000/- as adhoc relief. The branches, where this debate took place resolved
that they cannot comprise on the date of absorption, but they expressed that
the deviation on adhoc relief would not matter much, as it would not put the
members into financial loss as long as the date of absorption does not change.
The Department, in its affidavit, while submitting the vacation petition in
Hyderabad CAT, said that the adhoc relief Rs2000/- is a component of pay, and
it will be accounted and adjusted in future IDA pay scales. It also said that these
terms and conditions that are given now are provisional, and any modification
would be by means of improvement only. Hence it is not true to say that the
Department did not spell out the pay scales, while calling for options. But in
the case of MTNL, Rs3000/- is only compensatory allowance in lieu of lunch
allowance, quarterly incentive scheme, conversion of 5 day to 6 day week etc;
which they had to forego due to some audit objection. Since this compensatory
allowance does not form the component of proposed IDA pay scale, the MTNL spelt
out the provisional pay scales, while calling for options from Group-B and
Group-A officers for absorption into MTNL. The WELWISHERS expressed a doubt
that whether we can opt for MTNL. Yes! We can opt for MTNL, though we are
working in BSNL now. You may know the contents of the DoT letters
400-41/98-STG-III dates 08-05-2000 & dated 28-1-2002, which are published
in May2000 & January 2001 TELESERVICES. The letter from DTS , Memo
No.2-29/2000 dated 30-09-2000 is only about the staff that was transferred to
BSNL along with the business from DTS. The Group-A officers who do not opt to
MTNL will automatically be transferred to BSNL on deemed deputation. The
WELWISHERS again worried about these Group-A officers, and in their thinking
how these officers can opt for BSNL without knowing the terms & conditions.
The fact is BSNL is yet to call for options for Group-A officers, and the delay
is only due to their protest. It is not true to say that CAT ND directed the
DOT to spell out the terms and conditions for Group-B in BSNL. There is no
relation between CAT ND judgement and calling for options from Group-B officers
by BSNL. The
WELWISHERS had many crocodile tears for Adhoc DEs. They are comparing the
absorption of Adhoc DEs in MTNL and BSNL. Since the absorption in MTNL is open
for both Group-B and Group-A, all promoted Adhoc officers will be absorbed in
the respective cadres in MTNL; ie the Adhoc DE will be absorbed as Group-A
officer only, in MTNL. In the case of BSNL Group-A absorption will take place
latter, and hence the Adhoc DEs are to get absorbed in the substantive grade
only, but they will not be reverted and continue in the Group-A status with DE
scale in the same post. For this sad state of affairs, the total DOT staff
knew, who is responsible for this. The WELWISHERS also had their share in
postponing the Group-A absorption, while they are shedding the crocodile tears
for our Adhoc DE brothers. We are very
clear in telling our Adhoc DEs that they are not going to loose any thing by
getting absorbed into BSNL in their substantive cadre, but on the other hand
they will be benefited just like any other officer in the BSNL. How ever if
they had any apprehensions to get absorbed into BSNL in their substantive
grade, they may wait until the commencement of Group-A absorption, to absorb in
Group-A status. But here, there is a danger; ie; an Adhoc DE, if he is not
getting a chance of absorption before his retirement, as there is a possible
delay of Group-A absorption, probably he will retire with out getting the
benefits of the corporation. Meanwhile some of our Adhoc DEs, appears to have
approached to the CAT for regularisation of their Adhoc promotion. As there is
no provision of Adhoc promotion in ITS recruitment rules, there may be
reversions for one day in a year on the existing Adhoc DEs. This may also lead
to the delay in issuing the next Adhoc promotion order. Hence we shall leave the issue of their absorption to the individual
adhoc DEs. But we, from the Association, feel that they would be more benefited
if they opt to BSNL. The WELWISHERS also expressed a doubt whether absorbed
SDEs are eligible for promotion to the DEs in the event of Group-A absorption
not taking place by that time. The answer is,"YES", since the BSNL
can issue promotion orders from SDEs to DEs as per the DoT rules, until BSNL
finalises its rules. Coming
to our regular promotion, the WELWISHERS raised a question; that as per the CAT
ND order on 12-10-2001, when the Department is competent to change the
structure of the department, why it did not widen the bottle neck? The answer
is "YES". The department proposed to increase the JTS base from 646
to about 2000, but the same elements opposed the proposal and thus the proposal
was withdrawn. These
WELWISHERS also put a question why the minutes on 18-01-01 in the room of
Advisor HRD are not implemented so far. These minutes indicate that it would be
possible to work out the IDA pay scales
for Group-B officers in BSNL by February 2001. Now one year is passed. That is
what TESA says about pay scales, and it is a time consuming process. These
people would have put this question to DoT, and not to TESA, for not
implementing minutes of Advisor HRD. We
shall take up the issue of pay scales, immediately after absorption, and we
shall definitely fight for MTNL scales. In this fight all the affiliates of
Central Coordination Committee will put their strength and strive their best
for getting suitable scales for us. We will not leave any stone left unturn to
achieve the MTNL pay scales for us.
Once the absorption process is completed, the differences among various
cadres in the executives disappear, and then automatically the signal of unity
will be generated, as the interests all the executives are common. This unity
signal, thus generated, will definitely enable us to achieve our required pay
scale. Another
Question raised by the WELWISHERS is; why the elections are not conducted to
the CHQ, when the present body outlived its life. It is a fact that we were to
go for elections by August 2001. Since the Department by that time initiated
the absorption process, the CHQ felt that it could go for elections immediately
after absorption. Since we have to wind up this great organization after completion
of the absorption process, and before we wind up, we have to take decision on
our assets and liabilities. Hence a conference is needed for taking this vital
decision. So, even if we go for elections now, we have to go for another
election with in 6 months to take that vital decision. This will cost us an
additional expenditure of rupees 10 lakhs. Is it worthy to spend that much
amount just to test the luck of the deserter once again, to become the Chief
Executive of this great organisation? Hence we want to request to the deserter
and WELWISHERS, not to make an issue of election now, and wait upto the
completion of absorption process and then we can elect a suitable candidate to
represent the executives in BSNL.
far we have been clarifying the doubts of the WELWISHERS, now let the
WELWISHERS clarify our doubts. 1) How
the deserter, who is propagating against the absorption into BSNL by Group-B
officers, can lead the non-born executives? It is a fact that there cannot be
any executives without absorption. The deserter and the WELWISHERS are
responsible for the delay in absorption. Is it not their claim, that they are
the leaders of non-born executives is meaningless and irrational? 2) The
executive status in BSNL starts from JTO. IS THE IDEA OF THE DESERTER, to
exclude JTOs from executives and concentrate on wooing SDEs & DEs as the
members of the Association of un-born executives, NOT AMOUNTING TO A TRIAL FOR
DISMANTLING TESA(I)? Are the WELWISHERS joining their hands with the deserter,
to break the mighty organisation TESA(I)? The deserter through out his
association for 8 years with TESA(I), as CEC member / Circle secretary, failed to contribute any constructive support
to TESA(I), on the other hand he was continuously involving in anti TESA(I)
activities. From the day one the deserter joined TESA(I), he is trying and
trying to become Chief Executive of TESA(I), contested twice and got defeated.
On both occasions, his election campaign is against "ineffective CHQ
leadership". But unfortunately, on both the occasions, his slogan was turn
down by the Representative Council of this mighty organisation. So there is no
meaning, in raising the same slogan, "ineffective
CHQ leadership", again and again, and misleading the membership to
dismantle TESA(I). 3) The
CS, Tamilnadu TESA(I) , could make his 100% membership to opt into BSNL. But
this CS Tamilnadu, shared the flat-farm with the deserter, who is propagating
against absorption. We are not able to understand the combination of these two,
ie; one who is propagating the absorption and the other who is propagating
against the absorption. Why the WELWISHERS are blind about this? The common
member does not want to be confused with the strategies of these deserter and
WELWISHERS. If these WELWISHERS and the deserter are really interested and
wanted the welfare of the general membership they can associate with the
TESA(I) and strengthen the hands of the CHQ, through their constructive
support. But these people kept quite for long 6 months, when the BSNL initiated
discussions on absorption well back in July 2001, and now after issue of STAY
on the absorption in HD CAT on 28-1-2002, suddenly found the ineffectiveness of
TESA CHQ and decided to break this mighty organization,TESA(I). No common
member appreciate this division at this juncture. After all, option is option,
and individual can take a decision and for this the deserter and WELWISHERS
need not break the organisation. 4) We are
also worried about the cut off date which is fixed as 01-10-2000, with untired
efforts of Central Coordination Committee of DOT Officers' Association. As per
orders released from the DOT during the end of September 2000, the cut off date
of absorption for Group-C&D was fixed as 01-10-2000, for Group-B it is a
flexible one, which can be fixed convenient to the Department. So If we do not
allow the process of absorption to complete now, probably, the department may
re-fix a different date, on the issue of payment of arrears. Do the WELWISHERS
know this fact? Hence we request the
deserter and the WELWISHERS not to come in the way absorption and stop all the
anti TESA activities; other wise there will be irreparable loss to the cadres,
and the future generations will curse us.
Now let us come back to the discussions that took place on the following
issues in our emergency Circle Executive Committee meet. 1) LOCAL OFFICIATING IN STS: So far
we have been using the unused man months of the previous year, during the
beginning of the current year for about 6 months. But this year, since the
works are less, and justification norms are tightened, we shall not be left
with any man months carried over to next financial year. So it is appealed to
all the branch secretaries to immediately take up with the respective HRD units
of the SSAs, for early sanction of man months for 2002-2003, ie; in the month
of April 2002 itself to avoid reversions after April 2002. We also appeal to
the CHQ to concentrate on posts creation basing on the added assets for the
year 2000-2001. We are to get about 100 maintenance posts from the Directorate. 2) ADHOC PROMOTIONS IN STS: We had about 1000 Adhoc STS
promotions, in the recent months, and we are likely to get another 1500 Adhoc
STS promotions shortly. The names of the officers who are likely to be covered
and having missing ACRs, can be taken from the INTERNET, and the BSs are
requested pursue with the respective DGM(A)s, and send them to the TCHQ. CONCLUSION: We have to request our members to diffuse
confusion from their minds and not to give their ears to these WELWISHERS, if
they continue their anti TESA activities. If the members are still to clarify
their doubts they may Circle H/Q, and we are ready for any sort of
clarification. At this juncture the important function of all the unions and
Associations is, to set the minds of their members for Corporate working so
that the Corporation will be made viable. The Associations / Unions should
perform the WATCH - DOG duties to have a check on the mismanagement, to protect
the interests of Corporation, so that interests of the workers and executives
can be secured. Since officers who are occupying management posts do not want
absorption, we apprehend that keeping the BSNL in the hands of such people, who
are not prepared to develop the belongingness for the corporation, may harm the
interest of the Company and its employees/officers. Propably after our
absorption we may join hands with the non-executive Unions and start a slogan
of "QUIT BSNL", if these officers refuse to get absorbed in the
Corporation. We should put all our efforts by joining hands with all the BSNL
employees/officers for making the corporation viable, which will take care of
our interests. LONG
Yours, ( S.SURYA RAO )